Best Place to take professional Headshots in Vaughan

On Tuesday our professional headshot photographer’s headed back to Radley Family Law’s Vaughan office, where we photographed one of their Law Clerks. The selected setup was the white backdrop to match previous headshots we worked...

Realtor Headshot and Marketing Photography in Vaughan

On Monday, our professional portrait photographer met with a Realtor at our studio space in Vaughan. She selected the white backdrop setup. The white backdrop setup is excellent for Realtors. We understand as a real...

Professional Legal Headshots in Vaughan

On Monday, our professional headshot photographer headed back to Radley Family Law to photograph Irene one of the firm’s lawyers. The selected setup was the white backdrop to match the other portraits done for the...

Legal Headshots and Video Portrait for Radley Family Law in Vaughan

We headed to the Vaughan offices of Radley Family Law to do some legal headshots and a video portrait. The white backdrop is an excellent option for versatility and works well for law offices to...

Professional Headshot in Our Vaughan Studio

This past Friday, we had George attend our Vaughan studio space for a white backdrop professional headshot. George’s chambray button-up shirt give his portrait a great take on modern suiting, perfect for the warmer weather...

Corporate Portrait for UHCN Holdings at Our Vaughan Studio

To start a busy week packed with portrait sessions, we were with Piotr, the founder and principal of UHCN Holdings at our Vaughan studio. He selected a white backdrop portrait. His classic ink pinstripe suit...

Bright and Bold Professional Headshots with Ryan Financial Services Employee and How You Can Make a Bold Backdrop Work for You

Carmen, from Ryan Financial Services, recently graced our Vaughan Studio, opting for a headshot that defies the conventional. Her choice of a Scarlet backdrop not only complemented her vivacious personality but also made a definitive...

Vaughan Studio Portrait with Raymond

On Monday Raymond came to our Vaughn Studio for a white backdrop professional portrait. He was awesome to work with, and we were able to get some fantastic shots in just a few minutes. Many...

Executive Consultant Portrait Update

Last Friday, our corporate portrait photographer headed to the Vaughan home of Bruce, an Executive Consultant for IBM. He selected the colour backdrop option in the ever-popular fashion grey. His inky blue suit stands out...

Headshot Photography session in Vaughan

Last week our headshot photography specialist welcomed a Telus Sales Specialist to our Vaughan studio location for a fashion grey colour backdrop portrait with basic lighting. Recently the fashion grey backdrop has seen an incredible...